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Hyderabad to Vijayawada Car Services

Cyber Cabs provides One Way Car Rental from Hyderabad to Vijayawada, which includes the pick from anywhere in Hyderabad including city / Hyderabad Airport and drop off to Vijayawada City. We provide instant confirmation and flexibility to book 24x7.

car travels from hyderabad airport to vijayawada

Hyderabad to Vijayawada one way car rental packages are designed in such a way, so user could avail more benefits by just paying one way drop off charges. So why to wait more, hurry up, you are just few step away to grab this deal.

We Provide hyderabad to vijayawada daily cars and vijayawada to hyderabad cheap cabs. for more details contact

About Vijayawada City

Vijayawada, the third biggest city of Andhra Pradesh after Vishakhapatnam is located on the banks of River Krishna. It is all around joined with all the significant towns of Andhra Pradesh and fills in as a connection city in the middle of North and South. Its integration with street and rail makes this city a business capital of Andhra. Vijayawada is celebrated for handling of agrarian items, car lifting weights, equipment, material, shopper merchandise and small scale businesses. Vijayawada is 260 kilometers away from Hyderabad and it takes nearly four and three quarter hours to reach there. Availing car rentals in Vijayawada is affordable and best with Cyber Cabs. We provide Car rental services for all cab types, Economy, AC Car, Non AC car, sedan class cars, AC and Non AC cars, SUVs. Affordable airport taxi and pick and drop services are also available and arranged at Cyber Tours and Travels. You can choose from a wide range of car rental packages ranging from 4 hours, 8 hours or 12 hours. Moreover, we also provide economy/budget cars, sedan class and luxury cars and you can choose anyone suiting your needs and budget. We offer best and affordable car rental services for outstation, one way and round trip.

Our Location:Hyderabad

  • Address: 8-1-192 Highmark Chambers, Madhura Nagar Colony, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana 500032
  • Email:
  • Phone:093478 38537 / 090300 51381 / 099518 01381